
You were there for me at my worstmike_00051

Enduring my pain with me

Supporting me when I could barely manage

Loving me when I did not love myself

When my dad was dying, you never left my side

You never made me feel bad when we had to accommodate my extreme obesity in public

You were not ashamed of me, like I was of myself

You listened to me helplessly on so many nights when I told you that I did not want to live anymore

You supported me through my life-changing transition

You always allowed me to be ME

And IMG_20150214_154945155with your love, I have learned to love myself again

There are no words to express the gratitude, the love, the appreciation I have for you

Teresa, you are one of a kind

Your infectious laugh tickles me inside

A real woman and wife

Beautiful beyond compare

The brightest smile that lights up my universe

My Purple Artist

Schmoo, I love you eternally,



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